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    Written by: Greg Haddrick   Produced by: Posie Jacobs   Directed by: Alister Smart

In Sydney, Wayne is standing on the rear deck of a ferry as it sails across the harbour. He's staring down at the water, looking upset.

Fiona and Gordon are walking along a street nearby. As they do so, Fiona asks Gordon, "Susan doesn't mind staying at Woombai?" Gordon explains, "She realises somebody should be there in case he shows up." They approach Wayne's car and Gordon murmurs, "There it is." He takes out a set of keys from his pocket and unlocks the door. Fiona asks what they're looking for. Gordon replies, "Any clue as to where he is; something that will give us a lead." With that, he climbs into the car and starts looking around. He reaches into the glovebox and takes out Wayne's wallet. He climbs back out of the car and opens the wallet. Fiona asks him what's in it. Looking concerned, Gordon tells her, "Everything: credit cards... money..." He then sighs, "Why? Why would he leave his wallet? He never goes anywhere without it."

Wayne is still staring down at the water from the back of the ferry. A young boy suddenly runs up nearby. As he approaches the rail, he accidentally drops a toy that he's holding over the edge into the water. The boy's mother joins him and the boy cries to her, "The stupid ferry made me lose my jungle game. It's not fair, mum. Buy me another one?" The woman sighs, "Another time, maybe." Wayne turns and watches them. The boy snaps, "It wasn't my fault." His mother retorts, "I know, but just at the moment, I can't afford one." The boy snaps, "Thanks a lot." Wayne calls across suddenly, "How much are they?" The woman turns to look at him in surprise and says, "Pardon?" Wayne repeats, "How much?" The woman insists, "It's alright - really." The boy, however, says quickly, "Twenty bucks." Wayne goes to reach into his pocket, but then realises his wallet isn't there. Looking apologetic, he tells the boy glumly, "I can't help. I haven't got my wallet; I've only got a couple of dollars on me." The boy stares at him and then says, "Where are you going to?" Wayne replies hesitantly, "I'm just... going across and back, that's all." He adds, "It's just a toy, right? It's something you have one minute and not the next... it's like everything... So don't worry about it. It's really not worth worrying about. Honest." The woman looks at him dubiously and them mouths, "Thankyou." She leads her son away as Wayne repeats quietly to himself, "It's really not worth it... it's just not worth it..." He turns back and stares down at the water.

Ginny is pacing the floor in the lounge room at Charlie's. Charlie is sitting on the couch, holding Isabella. Ginny snaps at her, "You'd think she'd at least call, wouldn't you?" Charlie, however, sighs, "I'm sure Alison knows what she's doing." Ginny growls, "Big comfort that is. This could be my career we're talking about." Charlie mutters, "You're not the only one with problems, you know?" Ginny retorts, "Oh, I know that: compared with the possibility of Isabella being pregnant, my life pales into insignificance. My job... my chance at making the grade...: trivial; meaningless." Charlie glares at her and then snaps, "Oh, do shut up. I'm not in the mood to put up with you this afternoon. Go outside and stand in a gutter or something." Ginny stares at her and then growls, "Alright. Fine. I'll get out of your way. I don't mind playing second fiddle to a dog. See if I care." With that, she picks up her bag and marches out.

A short time later, Ginny heads into the mansion. As she does so, May emerges from her room and storms over to her, calling, "Ginny, have you read this?" She holds out a newspaper and goes on, "It's an extract of Connie Hogg's book. It's a tissue of the most outrageous lies from beginning to end. Just listen to this." She then reads out, "'I was in great demand in those days. The Americans used to say my natural class and sophistication were rare to find in Aussie sheilas.'" She breaks off and gasps, "Natural class? She was the roughest girl in the area! You just wait 'til my memoirs are published: they'll tell the real story." With that, she walks off, leaving Ginny looking puzzled!

Fiona is sitting at the desk in her room, talking on the 'phone and saying, "I'm sure it's not as serious as it looks, dear: he probably just wants to be on his own for a while." The door opens and Ginny steps inside as Fiona listens to the caller and then says, "I know, Susan, it really is extremely worrying - but all we can do is wait: I'm sure he'll resurface when he's ready... when he's had time to think..." She listens again and then says, "Yes, indeed, I will. OK. Bye." She hangs up and then turns to Ginny and mutters, "Didn't anyone ever teach you to knock?" Ginny just comments gleefully, "Wayne's run out on Susan, has he?" Fiona retorts, "No, he hasn't. Now, can I help you with anything or did you just barge in for a chat?" Ginny, ignoring this, smiles, "He has! Come on, I can tell. What's happening?" Fiona growls, "He has not run out on Susan." Ginny, however, insists, "I knew they wouldn't last. As far as I could see, they never stood a chance." Fiona snaps suddenly, "Put a sock in it, Ginny. You don't what you're talking about." Ginny demands, "Then what are you and Susan so worried about?" Fiona sighs, "Let's just say that something came up and Wayne reacted rather badly to it - but it's got nothing whatsoever to do with his marriage." Ginny remarks, "So you're just hanging around waiting for him to resurface?" Fiona nods, "Exactly. You satisfied?" Ginny just shrugs. Fiona then comments that she hasn't said what she's doing there yet. Ginny tells her, "I'm bored. All dressed up and nowhere to go." Fiona suggests, "Why don't you go out and do some designing?" Ginny, however, mutters, "What's the point? I don't know if they'll ever get made. I have to wait and see if Alison gets me off the hook, first." Fiona chuckles, "Experience has taught me that when Alison says she's going to do something, she does it, so there's no good sitting around waiting for her. She'll get you off the hook; you just get out there and get on with your designing." Ginny stands there, looking thoughtful, and then gasps, "You're absolutely right! I know where I can get some new ideas from!" With that, she dashes out.

A while later, Ginny is walking along by the entrance to the pier from which the ferry sails. She walks down the pier and onto the ferry, and she sits down on a bench. She then takes out a pad and starts writing. Elsewhere on the boat, Wayne is staring into the distance, the Opera House behind him. He's still looking upset.

Charlie is escorting Gordon into her lounge room, saying as she does so, "I'm glad you popped over - I just don't know what I'm going to do. It's awful." Gordon looks at her in surprise and comments, "Fiona told you?" Charlie, however, explains, "No, darling. The vet rang. Isabella's pregnant." Gordon smiles weakly and looks away. Looking disappointed, Charlie sighs, "I know it may not be a big deal to anyone else, but it does concern me." Gordon assures her, "I know it does." Charlie then comments to him that he's looking very glum. Gordon explains, "Wayne's disappeared. They found his car this morning: door open... keys in the ignition... wallet in the glovebox..." Charlie gasps, "He's been kidnapped?" Gordon assures her, "No, nothing like that." Charlie comments, "But something's happened that I know nothing about, hasn't it?" Gordon nods at her, slowly.

Wayne is walking along the deck of the ferry when he suddenly stops in his tracks: Ginny is sitting on the bench in front of him. She looks at him and smiles gleefully, "Fancy meeting you here. I was only talking about you half an hour ago." Wayne goes to walk off, muttering, "Really?" Ginny calls after him, "I don't know what the story is, but I do know people are worried about you. Susan would love to know where you are. So would Fiona." Wayne mutters, "Tell them." Ginny smiles, "I will - unless you feel like persuading me not to..." Wayne comments sourly, "Subtle, aren't you?" He then adds, "If you feel like telling them, Ginny, tell them. If you don't... don't. Doesn't matter. I don't care what you do." Looking astonished, Ginny remarks, "I don't believe you. For some reason you don't want people to know where you are - and I do know that has to be worth something." Wayne just chuckles at her. Ginny demands, "What's so funny?" Wayne retorts, "What do you want out of life? Seriously. What: fame? Money? Luxury? Happiness?" Ginny replies, "Yeah, pretty much. Don't you?" Wayne tells her, "Used to - but it seems a bit ridiculous now. So I live in a small mansion... so I like the good things in life... so I work six days a week to get the money to buy the good things in life... So what? What the hell's the point of it all? I've lived like a jerk. The whole thing's been a stupid waste of damn time." Ginny comments, "You can't mean that." Wayne snaps, "Can't I? I'm sorry if I ever took you down, Ginny. If I had any money I'd gladly give it to you. But I really don't care if you tell Susan or Fiona. As soon as this thing docks, I'm taking off, so it won't matter what you tell them; they still won't be able to find me." Ginny asks, "What's the story?" Wayne, however, just turns away and walks off along the deck. Ginny sits there, looking puzzled.

Caroline is sitting with Glen in his parents' cabin. She asks him impatiently, "How much longer are we staying here?" Glen doesn't answer. Caroline goes on, "We won't be able to make any more pies if we do stay; we've run out of ingredients." Glen comments, "I guess we'll have to do without pies, then." Caroline points out, "Or go back to town and stock up." Glen, however, shakes his head and says, "Uh-huh." Caroline then demands, "When are we going back, Glen?" Glen tells her, "When you're ready." Caroline retorts, "I am ready." Glen, however, replies, "No you're not." Caroline glares at him and snaps, "Why not? What do I have to say? Will you give me some clue? Please?" Glen just sits there. Caroline then says more calmly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose my temper." She stands up and walks over to some photos on a nearby cabinet. She picks one up and comments that Glen was dux of his school. Glen shrugs, "I just did my homework." Caroline insists, "You're clever. I don't doubt it. I don't know why you doubt it." Glen retorts, "I don't think school counts for much. I've told you why." Caroline tells him, "I've been thinking... how does a dux end up a gardener and an odd-job man?" Glen shrugs, "I like gardening." Caroline mutters, "That's a cop-out. You could've done anything." Glen retorts, "I did, for a while." Caroline comments, "I know - and you got sacked for fighting. But what then? You cracked, and you were so scared of failing again that you decided to choose something that you didn't even have to try at. You need help more than I do." Glen demands, "When was the last time you saw me planning a double murder?" Caroline goes on, "You can't even see you've got a problem, can you? You've got me locked up here because I fail to handle things, when you're one of the biggest failures I've ever met. Where's your ambition? Where's your drive to get out there and achieve something? You obviously had it once." Glen retorts, "My parents did; I didn't. I haven't failed; I chose not to compete." Caroline pushes, "And you hate yourself for it." Glen snaps, "You don't know what you're talking about." Caroline goes on curtly, "You're pretending that you're not smart enough because it's the only way that you can justify leading a life that deep-down you don't really like - but the cold, hard facts are that you were dux of the school of fifteen hundred boys and you are smart." Glen growls, "If you're trying to compare your situation to mine, forget it; my hang-ups are nothing. You damn well near killed a man. You flipped, lady. You didn't just crack; you shattered into a zillion pieces." Caroline retorts, "At least I'm trying to glue myself together; what about you?" Glen snaps, "I'm gluing you. For heaven's sake, any complex I might have is small potatoes--" Caroline interrupts and growls, "It is not small to me, Glen. I resent being told that I'm not ready yet by someone who's just as unstable." Glen glares at her and retorts, "Go to hell." With that, he storms out. Caroline stands there and then starts clearing away some tea things on the coffee table. She takes them to the kitchen area, still looking annoyed. After a few seconds, she appears to think of something.

Outside, Glen is sitting by a stream, staring into the running water, when Caroline approaches him gently, puts her hands on his shoulders and says, "I'm sorry. Thankyou for caring." Glen stands up and looks at her. He takes her hands as she adds, "We're as bad as each other, aren't we?" Glen looks down at their intertwined hands and asks, "How does it feel?" Caroline admits, "Awkward - but nice." She then adds softly, "You've done all you can. I think I am ready." Glen suggests, "I'd better get the moke fixed, eh?" With that, he heads off, leaving Caroline standing with a smile on her face.

The 'phone rings at Charlie's. Gordon answers it, listens and then says, "Speaking." He listens again and then nods, "I see... No, I understand... Yes, as soon as possible. Say, about forty minutes. Fine. Thankyou for calling." With that, he hangs up. He then turns to Charlie and murmurs, "There's a body at the morgue. No ID. They think it might be Wayne..."

It's nighttime, and at Seabreeze Towers, the door to room 37 opens. Wayne walks in, still looking upset, and switches on the light. He walks around slowly and then goes and picks up a framed photo which is resting on a cabinet. The photo is of Angela. Wayne stares at it and then tosses it back onto the cabinet. He opens one of the cabinet's drawers and takes out a file of other photos. He lifts out one of his father and stares at it before shoving it back into the drawer. He turns to head to the front door again - and finds Ginny standing there. She smiles, "G'day!"

A moment later, Ginny comments curtly, "You're not very good at this 'hiding from the world' bizzo, are you? I followed you from Manly to here and you didn't see me once. What's happened? I'm really curious." Wayne just stares at her. Ginny goes on, "You've just about had it all. Come on - I'm interested. I won't laugh or anything; I'd just like--" Wayne interrupts suddenly and yells, "Shut up. How the hell did you get here anyway?" Ginny retorts, "I told you: I followed you." Wayne says more calmly, "Yeah, well, thanks." He then mutters, "I was hoping to sleep in a bed tonight, but if you don't mind I'll just find myself a nice comfortable bench somewhere." He goes to walk out. Ginny, however, grabs his arm and says quickly, "Wait! Sleep in a bed. I'm not going to let on where you are." Wayne demands, "Then why bother to follow me?" Ginny retorts, "Look at you. Someone's got to do something. I thought maybe I could help somehow. It's my humane streak: comes out once a year!" Wayne snarls, "You? Help me? What would you know about anything?" Ginny retorts indignantly, "Try me. I might be young, but at least I've been around." Wayne growls more calmly, "That's true - more than I have. What have I done? Stuck in my castle, counting dollars. Where does that get you?" Ginny comments, "You were saying that on the ferry, too: 'I lived like a jerk'. Wish I was that big a jerk. Give me those dollars; I'll count them for you. I'll even spend them. Where does that get you? It gets you everywhere, you nut." Wayne murmurs, "No it doesn't." Ginny, however, snaps, "Please, spare me the 'money doesn't buy you happiness' lecture; I couldn't stand it." Wayne growls, "I'm not saying that. If you want to have a crack at being a millionaire, great - but don't stop having fun while you do it. Don't limit yourself. Stay wild." Ginny pauses and then suggests, "Let's find a party! Let's find a wild party and be wild together! I'll pack a decade's worth into one night for you, yeah?!" A broad grin crosses Wayne's face and he laughs, "Yeah! Woo-hoo!"

The front door opens at Charlie's and Charlie and Gordon walk in. Charlie tells Gordon, "You didn't have to see me home, darling - honestly." Gordon, however, murmurs, "I can't shake the habit. I'm just old-fashioned, I suppose." Charlie smiles at him, "Cheer up... he wasn't in the morgue and he wasn't in any of the hospitals. I would've thought that was good news." Gordon, however, sighs, "No news is necessarily good news, Charlie." He then thanks her for coming with him tonight. Charlie insists, "The least I could do. Now, you go home and get a good night's sleep, OK?" Gordon salutes, "Yes, ma'am!" With that, he heads off, leaving Charlie looking thoughtful.

The next morning, Wayne is driving himself and Ginny around crazily in an open-top jeep on a stretch of land by some water. They're both laughing wildly! As Wayne brings the vehicle to a halt and he and Ginny climb out, he laughs, "When does your friend want this back?!" Ginny just giggles, "I don't know. He's not my friend - I just met him tonight!" She then tries to drag Wayne down to the water. Wayne, though, pulls away and, running back to the jeep, shouts, "Come on, let's have a party! Let's have another party. Come on, I'm ready for it!" As he stops yelling, he murmurs suddenly, "Listen. It's so quiet..." An upset look begins to appear in his eyes again. He then says softly, "I'm dying, Ginny." Ginny stares at him in shock.


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